The Iron Ragdoll



Our protagonist! Need I say more?


If a certain field is missing or not specific enough, then it is open to interpretation.

For example, if a character's sexuality is not given, then you can let it be anything you want.

And if the "gender" field only says "Male" or "Female" without specifying further, it means that the character presents as either male or female.

However, please do not stray away from information that is given!

The "Age estimation" is for characters without a specific birthday. "Around the same as" means that they're less than a year apart -- if they went to school together they would be in the same grade. "A little younger/older" means they're probably 2 - 5 years apart.

Full name
Sparky Amber Peacock
Spark (by Tundra)
Female (cis)
Bisexual, deep in the closet
Marital status
Married (to Nightsun)
Close protection officer
Colt 1911 pistol
Superstrength lv. 800


What's this? Cake? Eat! What's this? Donut? Eat! What's this? More food? Eat! Hey, you took the last pancake! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!


Sparky is a cheerful girl who once stood for something. She hides her trauma behind bright smiles and is almost uncapable of taking anything seriously. Usually she looks happy to other people, but she can turn aggressive at the drop of a pin. She is currently the bodyguard of Animus.

Thanks to Ribbon and her mom, she is an excellent chef.

She's sort of a control freak. After the entire Hillslope thing she started getting scared of anything being out of her control. She also harbored naive but beautiful dreams about truth and justice. She died in the realization that she grew into exactly the person her younger self used to hate.


Coastline Middle School Mysteries

Canon - 102

Sparky makes friends at school and struggles to catch up because she received like. Zero elementary school education. Also there's a kleptomaniac who keeps stealing her pens.

A Nuke From Moreland

Canon - 103

The kids find a nuke in the basement of an abandoned house. The Ministry of State Security gets involved. So begins a tug-of-war over the ownership of the nuke.

New Year 2032

Canon - 104

Mishap in Sparky's home during the new year leads to shocking discoveries.

Pearl's Journey Home

Canon - 105

The friends send a kidnapped girl home, all the way across the continent. When the journey ends, everything stays the same, and yet no one is the same anymore.

The Yacht Trip

Canon - 106

The two families go on a vacation.

Elegance Kidnapped

Canon - 107

Elegance gets kidnapped. Sparky refuses to leave her side and also gets kidnapped.

Ironheart Assassinated

Canon - 108

Ironheart gets assassinated. Fortunately, he survives. Unfortunately, he is no longer Ironheart.

Sparky Gets Searched

Semi-canon - 401

An MSS officer searches Sparky's apartment.

Bramble's Happy Family

Has comic! - Semi-canon - 402

Bramble talks about his family.

The Escape

Non-canon - 501

A group of outlaws escape the country. betrayals happen and they all get caught instead.



Ribbon and Sparky have the same birthday, though Ribbon was two years older than Sparky. Ribbon showed Sparky the ropes around Hillslope, taught her to cook and bake, and asked her to investigate the attack on Starry. Sparky was about to take all the caring she gave her for granted. She couldn't have been more mistaken.

Gratitude gets you far, Sparky. Very far.

Qibli (friend)

Sparky and Qibli became friends through Sky. She is always trying to pull Qibli out of her own world and make her hang out with Sky and Firecrackers.

Sky (friend)

Sparky got assigned to sit next to Sky on their first day of Middle School. The stuff he did -- twirl cards, take photos, being able to recognize any sort of tank at one glance -- fascinated her. Though she wouldn't admit it, she had a little crush on him. The crush later turned to a big crush on Nightsun.

As for Sky, he is always looking for new friends.

Firecrackers (friend)

What's the difference between their cursing? Sparky does it unconsiously; she treats curses like like normal words. But Firecrackers curses intentionally, just to piss people off.

Amber (mother)

Sparky loves Amber almost obsessively. Amber seems to be more focused on Willow, however.

Peacock (stepfather)

Peacock is Sparky's step-father and reincarnation. Sparky hates him because he didn't match up to the perfect father (Jackal) in her mind.

Peacock, on the other hand, is deep in conflict as he both hates who he was in the past, but also desperately wants to be who he was in the past.

Fantasy (older stepsister)

Ironheart (older stepbrother)

Sparky and Ironheart

Sparky and Ironheart are locked in an eternal childish sibling rivalry despite growing into adults.

Willow (younger half-sister)

Sparky and Willow

Sparky and Willow have the same mother but different fathers.

Willow is the one who understands Sparky the most, because of her mind-reading. Her mind-reading also blocks Sparky's superstrength, making Sparky most vulnerable around her. Despite this, or maybe even because of this, Sparky feels safest around Willow.

Nightsun (husband)

Sparky and Nightsun

They're both bisexual and deep in the closet. They both know the other is bisexual. They're both trying all sorts of gimmicks to make the other come out.

Nightsun used to be a no-names Starcorp employee in the headquarters in Coastline. Sparky developed a huge crush on him and kept trying to get close to him despite warnings from Animus. After Fantasy and Bramble became her child, she proposed to Nightsun and they got married.

Once they got married, Sparky started to exert control over him like she did everyone. She made Nightsun quit his job and stay at home to take care of . He did, so now Bramble likes him ("papa!") more than he likes Sparky ("auntie"), and now she's mad about it.

Little did she know, Nightsun was a spy sent to get information on Animus. After Animus found out, Sparky refused to let anything happen to Nightsun because she still loved him, and believed that he reciprocated, and also Bramble liked him too much. Animus decided to feed false information through Nightsun, though he didn't want Nightsun to know. Sparky, however, came clean to him about running him as a double agent.

Nightsun agreed, because deep down, he loved Sparky too.

Bramble (nephew)

Bramble still refers to Sparky as his aunt even when he calls Nightsun his dad. Sparky is really mad about it. She really did care about Bramble. Now I wonder where I've seen this before... Ah yes, Sparky calling Peacock "Peacock."

Bramble also constantly pesters Sparky into telling him what happened to his mom, because "Auntie knows everything!" Truth is, Sparky would also very much like to know what happened to Fantasy.


Sparky and Pearl

Sparky took care of Pearl like she's her daughter. However, as they ran out of money and was struggling to move forward in Sylvandia, she found herself also looking at Pearl and seeing not a person, but a machine for producing pearls.

Devotion (frienemy)

Sparky and Devotion have the exact same pistol so they always have fights about whose pistol is better. They are. Exactly. The. Same. Colt 1911 (didn't the industrial revolution just break out in 1911? Whatever I don't care). But apparently Devotion's gun is retired from the military while Sparky's is bought off the civilian market.

Elegance (friend)

Sparky and Elegance are good friends. There was this time when Elegance was kidnapped, and Sparky refused to leave her side, so she got kidnapped with her.

Sparky's superstrength distorts Elegance's perception of time, though they didn't know this at first.

Animus (friend / principal)


  • She twiddles her whisker-like hair when lying.
  • Tofu is her favorite food. All kinds of them.
  • She loves spicy food.
  • She loves food.

Color palette

#00CCFF soul
#F6B6AC scar outer
#D29D95 scar inner
#2E2E2E hair
#000000 shirt

Drawing Permissions

(Nearly identical to my Artfight permissions anyways.)

Character Permissions

  • The strand of hair on her left cheek is longer, touching on her chin, while the strand on her right cheek is shorter.
  • The highlights on her hair goes down, up, and then down.
  • Her pupils point towards the middle! Unless she's looking at somewhere in particular.

Global Permissions

  • The marks on the girls' faces are eyelashes, not face paint! In my art style girls have eyelashes and boys don't (cartoon logic) but feel free to do whatever you like to do in your style! (Including drawing it as face paint; just tell me so I know you didn't mistake the eyelashes for face paint.)
  • None of my characters have real-world skin colors! Their races are just whether they have ears or horns on their heads, so everyone's skin color is the same.
  • You can draw whatever color you want as long as:
    • It's human-colors or literal black / white / gray.
    • Make sure all of them are the same if you draw more than one of my character together.
    • (My default is Asian though for your reference.)
  • The same applies to hair color. Default black, make sure all of them have the same color.
  • Please color pick their accents (hex values above).
  • The highlights on their hair are parts of the design, and are optional.
  • Go wild:
    • Basically anything not mentioned in Don't. This involves:
      • Gore (any type).
      • Draw them interacting with each other (mine, yours, or anyone else's).
      • Change anything about them (outfit, gender, species, whatever) (just make sure I can still tell who it is).
    • Go wild!
  • Don't:
    • NSFW, 18+, whatever.
      • This involves artistic nudity.
      • Or anything that sexualizes them.
      • And shipping (except Sparky and Nightsun (not even other canon pairs)) (friendly interaction is, of course, allowed).
    • Hateful stuff, duh.


The Iron Ragdoll by Tofutush is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0