
sundae symmetrical2024-12-29

buttercup pride2024-12-16

paperweight young2024-12-16
Is he not handsome? Does he not look cool as snabbergatt? Answer me!

sparky nightsun wallpaper2024-12-08

pearl snake2024-12-04
Snake's butt is floating in midair, and I drew his inner ring of feathers black... I spent an hour on this I wanna eat myself

snake stand2024-12-01

sparky fern panda2024-11-27

chastity stand2024-11-19

devotion stand2024-11-19

elegance stand2024-11-19

beauty stand2024-11-18

pumpkin horn2024-11-15

goose goose2024-11-12





mind reading2024-11-12

power relations2024-11-12



kids nuke2024-11-09

fern stand2024-11-08

snowball lights2024-11-08

nightsun sword2024-11-01

paperweight sit2024-10-26

sparky adult2024-10-26
Sparky as an adult. The only things that changed are the scar and the scarf.


Fan art of Sonetto from Reverse: 1999.

sparky carrying animus2024-10-25

jaculus thumb2024-10-15

kangaroo thumb2024-10-15

koala thumb2024-10-15

qibli gape2024-10-15

qibli sit2024-10-04
Hurricane bauhinias.
I miss my old home.

kids garbage2024-10-03

sparky nuke2024-10-02

westavia token2024-10-02


melody jerboa2024-09-27

cosmo alaska subway2024-09-22
I don't draw these that often, so here it is: Cosmo and Alaska on a late-night subway.
Can't be sure if this is canon though. I mean, right now in Hillslope there aren't any subways of course, and I haven't really thought about what they're going to do after leaving Hillslope.

pearl thumb2024-09-21


sparky dragonfly2024-09-14
Drew this at like 1 a.m.. I was not well.

tephra walk2024-09-14
I swear, I will never do frame-by-frame again.


sparky nightsun back2024-09-09
Considered obsolete since Sparky's new adult design has a shorter scarf and a scar over her right eye.

mss groupshot2024-08-28

goose stand2024-08-27

halcyon stand2024-08-27

paperweight stand2024-08-27

pumpkin stand2024-08-27

goose thumb2024-08-26

halcyon thumb2024-08-26

paperweight thumb2024-08-26

pumpkin thumb2024-08-26

sparky ironheart interrogation2024-08-23
Sibling rivalry done right.

qibli stand wand2024-08-22

nightsun thumb2024-08-20

sparky willow2024-08-20

jerboa family2024-08-19
Kangaroo looks like he has such a small face...

nightsun motorbike2024-08-11
That is not a motorbike despite the image name. I meant to draw one though. Also his highlight is wrong. It's supposed to be up, down, up, similar to Peacock and opposite Sparky.

cherry hyrax family2024-08-03

bauhinia police symbol title2024-07-27

beauty thumb2024-07-27

chastity thumb2024-07-27

devotion thumb2024-07-27

elegance thumb2024-07-27

fern thumb2024-07-27

mssb stamp2024-07-27
This is the stamp the Ministry of State Security stamps on its documents.

mssb stamp confidential2024-07-27
This is the stamp the Ministry of State Security stamps on its confidential documents.

mssb symbol2024-07-27

animus thumb2024-07-21

cosmo turn2024-07-20

ribbon turn2024-07-18

jerboa turn2024-07-17

starcorp logo2024-07-13

starcorp private security logo2024-07-13

This is pure shitpost. Peacock asks the three kids what "int" stands for. They each have their own answers.

tephra turn2024-07-10

nightsun flip2024-07-01
I actually cannot remember the precise date as the data's lost. It was vaguely in July.

nightsun march2024-07-01
I actually cannot remember the precise date as the data's lost. It was vaguely in July.

bauhinia police symbol2024-06-30
I had so much fun drawing all these bauhinia variations. This is the symbol of the Bauhinian police, or the Public Security Bureau of Bauhinia.
The flower petals are presented as sharp blades, symbolizing the will of the police force in safeguarding the Bauhinian people.

sparky elegance glowbugs2024-06-30
This is some vague plot idea in my head, that Elegance and Sparky got kidnapped and that's what set Sparky on her path as a bodyguard.
The song is 虫儿飞, or Glowbugs Fly. I translated the lyrics because I like it and I don't think anyone else ever translated them. I am not a translator and two of my worst school subjects are Chinese and English, so don't yell.

cms friends2024-06-25
Something I drew out of boredom and never bothered to shade.

melody sparky tephra2024-06-25
Tephra, Sparky, and Melody as adults. They all became what's opposite of themselves.
Tephra is a cop, maintainer of law and order, when he used to live a life of crime. Sparky is a bodyguard for Animus, living for other people, guarding the interests of the few. Melody is a private detective, meddling in other people's affairs, when he used to keep to himself and mind only his own business.

sky thumb2024-06-25

sparky zombie2024-06-23
To this day I still don't know why I drew this.


sparky & pearl stand2024-06-21

sparky jerboa deal2024-06-20

atlasia flag2024-06-09

atlasia token2024-06-09

bauhinia flag2024-06-09
The flag of the Republic of Bauhinia.
In the middle of the flag is a bauhinia flower with leaves behind it, the symbol of the Republic of Bauhinia. The flower grows in the subtropics -- all throughout Bauhinia -- and blooms in the winter. It stands for the core Bauhinia values of family, harmony, and love.

bauhinia token2024-06-09

fanton flag2024-06-09
The flag of the Republic of Fanton.

fanton symbol2024-06-09

fanton token2024-06-09

moreland flag2024-06-09

moreland symbol2024-06-09

moreland token2024-06-09

sylvandia token2024-06-09

firecrackers thumb2024-06-08

lark thumb2024-06-08

moonbeam thumb2024-06-08

snake thumb2024-06-08

snowball thumb2024-06-08

sunny thumb2024-06-08

thunder thumb2024-06-08

vampire thumb2024-06-08

jerboa stand2024-06-02

tephra stand2024-06-02

tundra stand2024-06-02

myriad wings2024-05-26

sparky dumb2024-05-26

sparky turn2024-05-26

buttercup thumb2024-05-14

fantasy thumb2024-05-14

ironheart thumb2024-05-14

alaska thumb2024-05-13

amber thumb2024-05-13

cosmo thumb2024-05-13

dragonfly thumb2024-05-13

guillotine thumb2024-05-13

jerboa thumb2024-05-13

melody thumb2024-05-13

myriad thumb2024-05-13

peacock thumb2024-05-13

qibli thumb2024-05-13

ribbon thumb2024-05-13

sparky thumb2024-05-13

starry thumb2024-05-13

tephra thumb2024-05-13

tomato thumb2024-05-13

tundra thumb2024-05-13

willow thumb2024-05-13

buttercup stand2024-05-12
Buttercup! She's so cool and badass.
I drew her on a piece of hotel scratch paper, and later turned that picture digital. I don't really know how her story would fit into the comic, but here: she was sold into prostitution at a young age (how young? IDK) and those boots were from a client who refused to pay real money. Then she escaped and joined a rebellion fighting for Fleaish independence from Sylvandia. I've yet to think of the nature of this rebellion.

sparky expressions2024-04-30

sparky and nightsun spinning2024-03-21
Considered obsolete since Sparky's new adult design has a shorter scarf and a scar over her right eye.

potato thumb2024-03-19
Potato is another character I cut. He was originally Tomato's twin brother, and the mailman. Now Alaska is the mailman.

sparky xmas 20232024-03-17

tephra xmas 20232024-03-17

tundra xmas 20232024-03-17

sparky carrying pearl2024-03-13

starcorp flag2024-03-09

sylvandia flag2024-03-05

icicle thumb2024-02-05

jerboa head2024-02-02

jerboa cute2024-01-31

tephra head2024-01-31

ribbon head2024-01-26

sparky head2024-01-26
berlin eagle2024-12-31
Fan art of Bkornblume and Eagle from Reverse: 1999.