The Iron Ragdoll

Sparky Gets Searched

An MSS officer searches Sparky's apartment.

Semi-canon (is not planned in the plot, but has no conflicts with the original story)
Main Cast
Time period
After Sparky married Nightsun

Sparky was chilling in her own home, alone because Bramble and Nightsun were out.

Gentle knocking on the door. Sparky got up to open it.

"Ministry of State Security," the young man said, showing her his badge.

"Oh! You remembered me? You guys were all stomping over me back when I was a kid!" Sparky felt an uneasy sensation in her mind.

"Is a person named Nightsun here?"

"Nope. Who's that?"

The officer simply pushed past her and went inside, and started emptying every closet, opening every drawer.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I have no obligation to tell you."

"You got a search warrant?"

"I'm not police. I don't need one."

"Stop it!"

All her stuff were scattered on the floor. Sparky sent a message to Nightsun. Pig here, going through our stuff.

"What do you want? I can just give it to you, you know!"

He stayed silent, still rummaging.

"You better put everything back in place after you're done!"

He slid the sofa away from the wall to look under it, finally making some noise as he coughed in the dust.

"That's enough. Playtime's over," Sparky grabbed his collar while he was still bent over the sofa and short enough for her to reach. But she couldn't heave him up.

"Holy snabbergatt you're also a mind-reader!" So that was what the uneasy feeling was. her thoughts were being read. Too bad she didn't have any interesting thoughts going on in her tiny brain.

"That doesn't mean I can't beat you up anyways."

Sparky lifted her hand, and at the same time the man lifted his baton. He brought it down on her head but it landed on a gleaming blade.

Nightsun was back, holding the baton off with his sword.

"You done? What do you want me for?"

The officer tucked his baton back into his belt. "I left my water bottle here yesterday."

"Ah, this one?" Nightsun took a dark green, military-style water bottle out of his bag. "I was planning to drop it off at your place later today. Looks like you're a little too eager in getting it back."

The officer took the bottle and shoved it in his belt too. "Thanks, bro," he said, and left.

"Who the heck was that?" Sparky asked. "What was he doing here yesterday?"

"Just some brotherly friendship," Nightsun waved her off, "friends chilling in each others' homes. Suspicious?"

"Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh," Sparky trotted back into her room, muttering, "I get one day off this whole month and this is what you pull..."

































The Iron Ragdoll by Tofutush is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0