The Iron Ragdoll

Qibli's Backstory / 奇轹背景

Qibli's backstory.

Yes (has a planned occurence in the plot)
Main Cast
Time period

Qibli was born with magic. But her magic was so weak that it didn't even show until she was three years old. Her parents took her to the hospital, the doctors called the Arch-Magician, and the Arch-Magician told her parents to buy her a wand and taught her to store her magic in it. She hadn't left the wand's side since then.

She spent most of her childhood around Sky.

She attended Coastline Middle School because her mom worked there. Which is where she met Sparky.

When she grew up, she figured out a way for other people to use her magic — something never before thought possible — and sold it on the black market. When confronted by the MSS, she said,

Don't call me "Qibli," call me the Arch-Magician!

Which was badass as snabbergatt.

Needless to say, neither the MSS nor the ISA were too happy about it — the MSS for her breaking the law and taunting law enforcement, and the ISA for her claiming Arch-Magician when the last one was very much alive.

She didn't care. She wasn't no pussy anymore. After an entire childhood of being told she was useless, that she could never amount to anything, she could finally see that she was not useless. She was something. Even if that "thing" was a filthy-rich black-market dealer. But hey, she got a monopoly on magic! Isn't that nice? She was even slapping Starcorp, the ultimate monopolist, in the face!

Of course Starcorp threatened to screw her over if she didn't sign that exploitive contract which would pass the monopoly to them. Of course I just had this idea off my head as I'm typing so it's not that well developed.

What would she feel when confronted by Sky, her old-friend-turned-secret-police? What about Sparky, her old-friend-turned-loyal-Starcorp-dog? (I'm so sorry I haven't worked on Firecrackers as much as the other three) (Firecrackers died, didn't he. I can see Qibli putting flowers on his grave, or perhaps it was a mass grave and she wasn't even sure where exactly Firecrackers was buried, and Sparky was here, and Sky came here too, but he saw Qibli and was like "I have to arrest you," and Qibli was like "go ahead and try,,,")



The Iron Ragdoll by Tofutush is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0