Changelog / 更新日志
- Updated the overview.
- Added a projects page.
- Fixed a problem where a bunch of tags were added to every page without me knowing.
- Joined the Bolognese webring.
- Cleaned up the layout a wee bit.
- Added total number of pictures to gallery stats. How did I forget about that?
- Edited the two Candlelight stories.
- Put some character progress stats in the text list.
- Removed an embarrassing mistake in the theme switch JS.
- Added
trinket thumb.png
, and updated the horned characters' thumbs to the new design where their horn colors are just their soul color.
- Moved January updates to old because I forgot to yesterday.
- Added a CC BY-NC-SA license.
- Added stories Project Boomerang and The Hunt for Tundra.
- Fixed The Hunt for Tundra displaying Tundra colors. It's just a working title anyways.
- Edited Sunflowers in the Dark.
- Added
signe luna.png
- Released the Goose comic! Read it here!
- Applied a layout to the gallery. You won't notice since literally nothing changed.
- More gallery stats because I'm a stats nerd.
- Also, made the years collapsible.
- Removed all the extra unused metadata on images, like "scope" and "style." Got rid of like 500 lines.
- Gave footer images a drop shadow in dark mode.
- Moved the input directory to a subfolder since things are getting cloggy.
- Deleted the now-useless navigation page. RIP, your life was short and useless.
- Gained determination to write a better changelog.
- Turned some JSON metadata into YAML.
- Added a little tag icon in front of tag lists, which only exist here and on character page sidebars.
- Changed Westavia's full name to The People's Republic of Westavia, and Atlasia's to The Free Republic of Atlasia.
- Also a theme song title for Westavia.
- Revamped the Kaleidoscope's fate section of One Man Short so that my dear Kally isn't a horrible person anymore.
- Removed the RSS feed and all links to it.
- Changed the dark mode accent color to blue.
- Moved Bramble's Happy Family to its own story page.
- A huge update! I moved the dead-water pigeon comic off the front page and into the back instead. It can be found behind Hillslope Mysteries.
- Changed the style a bit, most notably the sticky header.
- Applied the layout to the 404 page.
- Did some things about the site templating that don't affect you, but makes my life better.
- Hopefully, I won't be spending this much time on the site itself later on, and focus on the content instead. "Tofutush likes coding more than paracosming" didn't come out of nowhere, but it shall go into nowhere.
- Added buttons.
- Edited world pages.
- Added
cms friends lineless.png
,qibli lineless.png
,sky lineless.png
,sparky firecrackers lineless.png
- Added
nightsun hug sparky.png
- Added a relationship graph!
- Added GIFs to the gallery! Along with icons for when a picture is a gif or has comments. And little style tweaks.
- Added
mss ref.png
(also added to the MSS page).
- Added a Gallery stats page.
- Added People's Vanguard.
- Slight tweaks to the CSS.
- I don't really know why I wrote that down; I mean if you can find the changes with your eyes (without looking in Github) you could probably qualify for some superhuman award.
- I forgot to log the changes this day…
- Added
tephra profile.png
,cosmo profile.png
- Edited Moreland, added The Appaloosa Tribe.
- Added stories Sunflower in the Dark and Ironheart Assassinated, along with a bunch of backstories I'm too lazy to type out.
- Added
majiang friends catch.png
- Added
lark pride.png
,sparky pride.png
. - Edited story New Year 2032.
- Added a table of contents off the side of each character page.
- Added
paperweight bald 1.png
,paperweight bald 2.png
,ribbon profile.png
. - Updated characters page filtering.
- Now it has individual tag pages with related files, and the JavaScript is removed.
- Updated Starcorp, Froggy Island.
- Added
tomato idlegame idle.png
,tomato idlegame dig.png
. - Added a new story, One Man Short.
- Updated story New Year 2032.
- Updated nav.
- Text list now show hex codes on the colors box.
- Added
bramble happy family.png
,bramble happy family zh.png
,jerboa idlegame idle.png
,jerboa idlegame dig.png
,willow profile.png
. - Added new story New Year 2032.
- Updated Souls a little.
- Added
nightsun profile.png
- Happy birthday to me!
- Renamed Pumpkin Back Home to Candlelight Back Home, and rewrote the story to be in his perspective.
Never seen someone read a changelog with this much enthusiasm. Anyways, more for you: older updates.