The Iron Ragdoll

The People's Republic of Westavia / 伟思德维亚人民共和国

What if alcoholics made a country?

Flag of Westavia

Wes-DAY-vee-a: the brown alcoholics.

A sandy country north of Fanton, south of Moreland, and west of Atlasia.

Table of Contents


Westavia is quite sandy, with some really hot basins surrounded by mountain ranges. Eastern winds don't blow this far into the continent, so the place is dry and desertic. The sunshine made the country suitable for planting grapes.

The closest geographical mirror to Westavia is Xinjiang and Central Asia.


Except for the capital, all cities and regions in Westavia are called "Area (number)." Most of the time, these cities had historical names, though referring to them by their historical name is punishable by detainment.


Westavia is a socialist country, a dictatorship of the proletariat. There is a central government, and smaller local governments in each city. The governing party is called the Communist Party of Westavia, or often just "the party."

The second favorite thing the government does in terms of foreign relations, after fighting the cold war, is accuse Moreland of being revisionist while denying Moreland's accusation that they are the revisionists.



Westavians love making wine because they have way too many grapes. And raisins too1.

Wine culture is all too big in Westavia. People love drinking. Though the legal drinking age is still 18, kids would still drink, and simply mandating an ID check in stores won't work, because most people would have homemade wine right in their homes.

Kids drinking is a small problem. Westavian adults could drink a ton during gatherings, parties, and even local government meetings, to the point where people could die at the table. The central government had attempted some anti-excessive-drinking campaigns that went nowhere.


  1. Too bad. I hate both raisins and wine.

The Iron Ragdoll by Tofutush is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0