The Iron Ragdoll

The Republic of Moreland / 莫尔兰共和国

What if introverts made a country?

Flag of Moreland

MORE-lend: the green moose people.

Citizens of Moreland are called "Moose" (plural still "Moose"). Things in Moreland are described as "Morelandian."

Table of Contents


Moreland borders Westavia to the southwest, Atlasia to the southeast, and Sylvandia to the north.

The closest geographical mirror to Moreland is Mongolia plus Inner Mongolia.


Moreland is ruled by a military junta, officially named Armed Forces of the Republic of Moreland, but affectionately referred to by the people as The Guardian Moose, or the "guardians."

The second favorite thing the government does in terms of foreign relations, after fighting the cold war, is accuse Westavia of being revisionist while denying Westavia's accusation that they are the revisionists.


Military service

All Moose are required to serve 4 years in the military after graduating high school.

After those 4 years, if they're eligible (which not a lot of people are), they can stay in the military, which would let them either do what all soldiers to like border patrols or something, or have a chance at getting a government position.

If they weren't eligible or didn't want to stay in the military, they could get out and get a job or pursue higher education.



Family is abolished in Moreland. As soon as the mother had recovered enough and the baby isn't reliant on milk anymore, they get sent to government childcare and the mother goes back to whatever they were doing before. (Unless the mother works in government childcare. Then the kid would be purposefully kept in another childcare center.)

Naming conventions

Since family isn't a thing in Moreland, people don't have family names. In legal settings where precise identification is required, their unique ID number would be written where the family name would be. For example, "Snowball 201710033746."

The Iron Ragdoll by Tofutush is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0