
The Free Republic of Atlasia.

It's kinda cringe, Atlasia is based off of Ayn Rand's works. I never actually read them. But I plan to. I just gotta read through all the Captain Underpants books for the 100th time first.

I just thought this would be an interesting concept to explore. I mean, people always seem to either defend her ideas to the death or outright dismiss all of them. It seems that no one had ever thought about how a country that puts Rand's ideas to practice would look like. (I know because I once asked a half-ass terribly-worded question on Reddit before.)

So here I am. I'm doing it.

In Atlasia, parents don't get to name their kids. Kids decide their own names. You can change your name, gender, or even race anytime you want without going through all that bureaucracy shit. Marriage as an institution is abolished. Nobody can dictate who you can or can't be with. Also, there is no age where you "legally turn into an adult." You're considered mature enough when you consider yourself mature enough. Although, the consensus is whenever you hit puberty. And that's kind of all I have for now.

Okay I'm being carried away a bit there; I'm not sure whether Rand herself would think that was what she wanted. But I mean like, she's fucking dead and I do what I want.

My thought process is basically, what are some things that involves the government? And then take the government out of it. Turns out once you start thinking about it, a lot of things involve the government. Name changes need to go through the government. Okay now they don't. Buying a car? The government gives you the license plate. Okay now license plates are no more. Just get a car and drive. Passports are issued by the government. Okay, passports are no more. Leave anytime. (What about people coming in? I genuinely need to think about this.)

Atlasia is created by Moose immigrants after the Guardian Moose Takeover (Morelandian Revolution). They hated the new regime, so they made their own the way they liked it.

Geographically, Atlasia mirrors northern China.