The Iron Ragdoll

The Hunt for Tundra (working title)

Bauhinia's president seeks immortality, part 2.

Yes (has a planned occurence in the plot)
Main Cast
Time period
2023 - ?

After the failure of Project Boomerang, Kismet continued his search for immortality. And then he heard that a 13-year-old in Fanton was discovered to be immortal. So he decided that he would have his body.

The Moose obviously didn't want an immortal dictator as the head of their enemy state. They tried stopping Kismet from getting to Tundra.

how? cant they just, tell tundra the danger hes in and smuggle him behind the curtain? idk. well first of course they dont know at first



The Iron Ragdoll by Tofutush is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0