Elegance Kidnapped / 招运绑架案
Elegance gets kidnapped. Sparky refuses to leave her side and also gets kidnapped.
Hyrax got a hunch that there might be a plot to kidnap Animus, so he hired a bodyguard to follow him around everywhere.
Hyrax was wrong. Either because Animus's security was too strong or he was wrong all along, the target wasn't him. It was Elegance.
Sparky and Elegance were alone together for some reason and several men in black went out of a car, tried to get rid of Sparky while trying to get Elegance inside. Sparky was an even match with them, not too weak for them to get rid of her properly, but not enough for her to drive them off either. She got forced on the same car with Elegance.
Qibli watched through her magic portal. The kids (Sky and Firecrackers, and of course Qibli) attempt rescue. (this is still undecided yet. just an idea)